Final Flights



How you can help.

I'm using the cruise books to get the pictures and the names of the men in VF-114. I've got the '65-'66 and the '66-'67 books loaded. Chuck Mosely scanned and uploaded the '75 cruise pages. (THANKS Chuck!) I need all the others.

I sort of 'stole' the history text from another website. I could really use some help with the history of the squadron. Anything special about the group, that sort of thing. I'm thinking of breaking the history into sections - Executioners, Aardvarks. Or manybe era's, or aircraft? F3H, F-4, F14 any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.

Many people have already sent in great photo's, but this is the section that most people go to. And it is the section that really gets the memories churning. Don't let your pictures sit in that cigar box in the basement, get them scanned and submit them! If you mail them to me I will scan them and send them back to you in perfect shape. I think we would all like to see your pictures. I also have the ability to turn 8mm film into DVD's, so if you have film I will make you a DVD for free if I can post parts of it on the site. (I'm still trying to find the best way to do that.)

This section is all you. Remember a funny story? Post it, you don't need to create an account. Just click "New Topic" and fill out the form. There is already some great stuff on the forum (THANKS Duff!), like sending the new guy looking for fallopian tube to fix the milk machine. Tell the stories of men lost during the cruise, even if somebody already told it. I know from personal experience that each person remembers something different.

Fix my errors:
I'm not a Navy man. My dad was. Please point out to me when the site doesn't make sense!

My contact information is posted on the about page.

  This site is for you, the members of VF-114. Any questions, please contact me - email.